Sustainability policy

Sustainability Policy
We take committed action to reduce our environmental impact. As an institutional investor, Octium is determined to play its part in contributing to the welfare and resilience of society. Sustainability is integral to our business and culture. We recognise our policyholders’ expectations relating to this important topic are expanding and there is an increasing demand for sustainable investing options. Our commitment to meeting this demand is consistent with our responsibility to help clients achieve their goals.
Our Investments
Responsible investment is important to Octium. Octium policyholders, through their advisors, select the investment option linked to the policy. The management of Octium’s investments is delegated to a number of experienced and reputable Asset Managers, who manage on a discretionary basis. We look to work with select organisations which operate in line with our corporate philosophy and help us deliver our long-term vision.
For the purposes of compliance with the provisions of SFDR1 Article 3 (Transparency of sustainability risk policies), Octium relies upon the Sustainability Policies of the Asset Managers to which it delegates investment management activities.
Octium does not:
- make investment decisions for policyholders;
- play a role in recommending or advising on investment selection;
- actively engage with investee companies.
Policyholders requiring further information on the Sustainability Policies of the selected Asset
Managers should contact Octium Life DAC directly or through their intermediary.
Octium provides a range of unit-linked life insurance products. However, the company does not manage the assets underlying the products but delegates this activity to external asset managers who ensure that investment decisions are aligned with the risk profile and investment objective of the policyholder. Consequently, Octium does not consider adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors. SFDR Article 4 (Transparency of adverse sustainability impacts of entity level).
Octium’s remuneration policy is designed to promote sound and effective risk management and encourages a focus on long-term goals. Performance metrics applied include financial and non-financial criteria to reflect key performance drivers of the business plan which considers, amongst other items, sustainability opportunities and risks. SFDR Article 5 (Transparency of remuneration policies in relation to the integration of sustainability risks).
1 The substantive provisions of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (Regulation (EU)) 2019/2088